Upcoming Events

Reece Lyons Music

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Past Events

Reece Lyons Live at The Study

Reece Lyons Live at The Study

Los Angeles, CA
Reece Lyons will be headlining Sound the Groove's veteran's day celebration at the study!In partnership with Sweetheart Salute, this day of music and fun will raise funds for the Semper Fi Fund, supporting veterans in need.  The party starts at 2:00, Reece takes the stage at 9:00!
Sunday, November 11 2018 2:00 PM 10:00 PM

Reece Lyons Merch

Reece Lyons Merch

Los Angeles, CA
Merch is FOR PICKUP at the Nov 11 show
Sunday, November 11 2018 2:00 PM 10:00 PM
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